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CRE Construction Partners

NY BOTANICAL GARDEN, Plant Research Laboratory

New York Botanical Garden, Plant Research Laboratory – Institutional 2900 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY – 70,000 sf – new building construction; The new structure adjacent Steere Herbarium share a materials palette of pre-cast concrete panels, copper and glass, drawn from the limestone, brick and copper of the historic Museum Building. Structurally-glazed curtainwall system with low-iron glass compliments the north facing elevation to provide for greater transparency and views through the building.

The reinforced cast in place concrete slabs are lined with eight foot tall steel rolling fire proofed, two door, gasket sealed, storage racks containing 52 shelves each. They hold some of the most priceless resources of the botanical garden, historic specimens that facilitate DNA research. Specimens date back to 1831. The laboratory includes a specialized cooling system designed to climatize the space and preserve the historic and cataloged plant life. Research rooms and large full scale rolling racks were installed as part of the build out.